
Save on Utilities With Office Property Automation Systems in Rochester, MI

Simplify your life with automated lights, HVAC, system reports, and more.

When you own a business, it’s tough to keep track of the little things, such as HVAC and the lights. At Building Security & Automation, we specialize in designing and installing custom building automation systems for your business. We have extensive knowledge of the most advanced systems as well as a deep understanding of today’s facilities’ requirements. Our company can provide your business with an integrated and centralized automation system that can turn your ordinary office into a smart office.

Why Choose Us?

Office Property Automation Systems: Rochester, MI - Smart Office - IMG_0827We understand that no two building are alike; for this reason, our experts will customize a design and install an automation system that’s tailored to your needs. From design to installation- our team does it all. We use complete design documents such as flow diagrams, panel layouts, point to point wiring, and more to ensure your custom automation system will work in your building. 

Our services don’t stop at the installation; we will continually work with you and offer any support you may need. We will happily address any concerns, maintenance issues, or problems that may prevent your automation system from functioning correctly. 

Automate Your Property for Comfort, Convenience, and Efficiency

Whether your building has systems for air conditioning, heating, lighting, or power generation, the more integrated these systems are, the better. Integrating these systems has numerous benefits, such as an increase in the value of your building and a decrease in your utility bills.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

Our automation systems have building controls that are designed to make your equipment run less often ,and operate more efficiently when it does run. The result of this is your system’s lifespan is prolonged and requires less maintenance and repairs.

Maintain Comfort Levels 

Keep your employees and customers happy with even temperatures throughout your building. The automated controls keep the building’s temperature regulated while reducing energy costs.

Significant Energy Savings 

The lighting in a building consumes a large amount of energy and is wasted on areas that aren’t occupied. Save up to 30 percent on annual lighting costs by simply installing an automation system in your building. Our systems can schedule when the lights turn on, turn off, and have sensors that can shut lights off in areas where it's unoccupied.

No matter the size of your building, we can design and install an automation system that works for you. Let our team help you decide which type of system can benefit your building the most, call us at (248) 759-8469 for a free evaluation.
